Pesticide Notification
District Policy
The Washtucna School District in compliance with state laws will provide written annual notification to employees, parents, guardians and public patrons describing the districts pest control policies. It is the policy of this school district that the health and safety of our students and staff shall be our primary concern when pesticides are used to control invasive pests around district property.
Pesticides in District
Pesticides applications are made by a properly trained and licensed district employee or business with a certified commercial pesticide applicator license. Pesticides applied on a regular basis for weed control, glyphosate (Gly-star plus or Round up), weeds in grass 2, 4-D Amine and adjuvants to help with control of spray and sticking to plant. Insect sprays Raid, Hornet sprays and Tempo for flying and crawling insects.
Notification of Pesticide use
The District will provide notification at least 48 hours before applying a pesticide. This notification will be posted in a prominent place in the main office of the school, listing pesticide name-date/time to spray-location-pest to be controlled and contact info. Sites will be posted after spraying at points of entry and remain posted for 24 to 48 hours or until re-entry is allowed. Also it will be distributed to interested persons who arrange to be notified by mail, email or phone with the District Office you can call 509-646-3237 to make arrangements or mail the request form below.
Registration for Pre-Application Notification
Pre-notification will be provided to requesting parents, guardians and district patrons for pesticide applications at a minimum of 48 hours before a pesticide application. Please fill out one registration for each household or contact the District Office to request notification. This form must be submitted each year to receive notification. Succeeding notices will be published each September.
Mail the filled out pre-application notice form below to:
Washtucna School District
730 E Booth Ave.
Washtucna, WA 99371
Pre-Application Notification Registration
School Site: Washtucna School District – FFA Farm Plot
E-mail address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Message phone:__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pesticide Letter
730 E. Booth Ave.
Washtucna, WA 99371
Students, Parents, Guardians and district patrons of the Washtucna School District
Hi Everyone!
This is to inform you of the School Districts Pesticide Usage Plan on school property for the control of pests.
Each year this letter will be posted on the website and updated as needed as the rules and regulations change regarding pesticide notification and usage.
- The District will post at the office and in the main entrance of the school, notification of the intent to use pesticides 48 hours prior to applications inside or on the grounds of District property.
- The District will post at all entrances to areas treated, the pesticide name and the pest to be treated, a contact person, phone number, date and time the pesticide was applied. This notification will remain posted for a period of 24 hours after application is completed.
- For EMERGENCY applications, such as wasps or ant infestation the District will make an immediate application for safety reasons and then post as mentioned above leaving the notice up for 24 hours.
- The District will provide a list of pesticides used for parent/guardian information upon request. This is located in the District office.
- The District will provide a form to fill out to any concerned parent /guardian who wishes to be notified before any planned pesticide applications are made. This will not apply to emergency applications as it must be done right away for safety reasons but will be posted for 24 hours after application.
- The District does not list or notify for the use of cleaning products used in everyday cleaning. Although these are all approved cleaning agents they do kill germs which make them a pesticide. All cleaning agent labels are read and used in accordance to label information by the District’s employees.
For further information please feel free to contact
Washtucna School District
Carol Blauert at509-646-3211 ext. 131
Pesticide Policy
Pesticide Summary Notice Letter
730 E. Booth Ave.
Washtucna, WA 99371
Staff and Community,
There is a Pesticide Book for the public to see the pesticides/herbicides used in and around the Washtucna School District for the previous year. If you wish to look at this summary it is located in the main office. It will have the following label you see below.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Washtucna School and ask for Carol Blauert.