Classroom Supply Lists SY 2024-2025
Mrs. Sitton's Kindergarten and 1st Grade
- School Supplies List
- Your child will need the following supplies:
- Pencils at least 5 (No pens)
- Eraser(s)
- Please choose only one: crayons or markers
- White Glue
- Scissors
- Clean tennis shoes for the gym, do not need to be new
- Water bottle
- Optional: Pencil box
Mrs. Christianson's 2nd/3rd Grade Class Supply List
- 1 pack of pencils (12-24 count)
- 1 pack colored pencils
- 1 pack of thin colored markers
- 2 pens (blue or black ink)
- 2 dry erase markers
- 8+ glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 3 pocket folders
- 1 pair of headphones
- 1 pencil box/pouch
- 2+ boxes of kleenex
- 1 water bottle (to stay at school)
- tennis shoes for the gym (to stay at school)
Mr. Anderson's 4th & 5th grade School Supplies List
- 1 Pair of Gym Shoes to be left at school
- 3 Dry Erase Markers
- 2 Boxes Facial Tissues
- 1 Headphones (Or they can use school provided)
- 2 Highlighters
- 1 School Supply Box / Pencil Box (Plastic)
- 2 packs of 24 Ticonderoga Pencils or Mechanical Pencils
- 3 Pocket Folders, Assorted Colors
- 1 Pair Scissors
- 3 Composition Notebook, Wide Ruled
Junior/Senior High
Supplies List
- #2 pencils
- Blue and/or black pen
- College-ruled notebook filler paper
- Notebook
- Ruler
- 3 Ring Binder
- Dividers
- Zipper/supply pouch
Additional Needs Based On Class
Ag. (Welding Fabrications)
- Colored Pencils
- Black Sharpie
- Middle School: Wide Ruled Notebook, Highlighters (multiple colors), Pencils, Erasers, Glue stick, Folder
- Highschool: College Ruled Notebook, Red Pen, Highlighters (multiple colors), Mini Post-its, Pencils, Blue or Black Pens, Erasers, Glue stick, Folder
- CiHS(EWU): College Ruled Notebook, Highlighters (multiple colors), Red Pen, Mini Post-its, Pencils, Blue or Black Pens, Erasers, Glue stick, 1 in. binder (for portfolio)
- CWP/Civics – planner, 2” D-ring binder (optional)
- U.S. History (8th grade) – colored pencils, glue (Tacky glue works best), markers, black Sharpie, ruler, pencils
- Ancient History (7/6th grades) – colored pencils, Elmer’s glue, black sharpie, scissors, pencil sharpener, Spiral Notebook (1 Subject, College Ruled Paper, 100 Sheets, 11" x 8-1/2") for journaling
- World History - colored pencils, glue (Tacky glue works best), colored markers, black Sharpie, ruler, pencils
Physical Education
- Athletic Shoes for in the gym - need to be kept at school
- Shorts or Sweatpants
- T-shirt (marked: PE)
Middle School
- 2 College ruled spiral notebook for math
- 1 College ruled spiral notebook for science (or composition book)
- 1 College ruled spiral notebook for Ag Xplore course