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Lind-Ritzville Cooperative Schools
Fee Schedule

High School ASB Card $35.00
Middle School ASB Card $30.00
Sports Fee (per sport) $5.00

Students participating in an extra-curricular activity, must purchase an ASB card
ASB cards allow students free admission to any LRS home athletic event
ASB cards allow students reduced admission to any away athletic events

Season Ticket Prices

Adult $85.00
Senior Citizen $55.00
K-8 $50.00
Family (immediate Family Only) $180.00
(does not include college students)



Lind-Ritzville-Sprague-Lamont School Districts

Athletic Cooperative

Reviewed and Revised June 2016

I.               Administration of the Programs

A.    The cooperative high school athletic programs shall be called the Lind-Ritzville/Sprague Broncos hereafter referred to as the Athletic Cooperative and the team colors shall be red and black. The cooperative middle school athletic programs shall be called the Lind-Ritzville/Lamont Bulldogs and the team colors shall be orange and black.

B.    The Athletic Director from Lind-Ritzville High School shall oversee the high school and middle school programs.

C.    Ritzville School District shall be the fiscal manager of the Athletic Cooperative.

D.    Members of the 2016- 2017 Athletic Cooperative include:

1. High School - Lind-Ritzville High School, Sprague High School, Washtucna High School

2. Middle School – Lind-Ritzville MS, Lamont MS and Washtucna MS.

3.   This is the first year with Washtucna as part of the Athletic Cooperative thus, the 2016-2017 will be considered a trial year.

E.     The Athletic Cooperative agreement must be approved by the school boards of Lind, Ritzville, Sprague and Lamont.


II.           Financial

A.    SALARIES (Appendix A)

1.     All coaches’ stipends, which include salaries and mandatory benefits, shall be divided equally between each district (1/4 for Washtucna, 1/4 for Sprague (HS) or Lamont (MS), 1/4 for Lind and 1/4 for Ritzville) except for the sports that the Districts have opted out for the 2016-2017 year.

a.      Sprague will not participate in Golf for the 2016-2017 year.

b.     Washtucna will not participate in the Athletic Cooperative in HS Volleyball, MS Volleyball, HS Track, MS Track, HS Tennis for the 2016-2017 year.

2.     The Athletic Director’s stipend shall be divided equally amongst Lind, Ritzville, Sprague and Washtucna. (ie. each school shall pay 1/4 of the stipend.)

3.     The Athletic Trainer’s stipend shall be divided equally amongst schools participating in the Athletic Cooperative

4.     Coaches’ stipends which include salaries and benefits are billed after each season.



School districts participating in this Athletic Cooperative shall be responsible for their equal share of officials (referees/umpires, etc.) in the sports in which they allow athletes to participate. Washtucna will not participate in the Athletic Cooperative in HS Volleyball, MS Volleyball and thus will not be responsible for cost of officials.



Utilizing the current uniform purchase rotation, when it is time to purchase new uniforms, the cost of new high school uniforms shall be split 50-25-25. Lind-Ritzville will pay 50%; Sprague (or Lamont if MS) 25% and Washtucna 25%. Equipment purchases shall be billed in the same manner as new uniform purchases.


1.     The majority of events are held in the Ritzville or Lind School district leading to increased maintenance costs. Increased costs include but are not limited to field/court prep time, field/court repairs, field/court supplies (ie. paint, field conditioner, restroom supplies, etc.), custodial costs due to hiring extra custodians for events, etc.

2.     Due to the fact that the majority of coaches are from Ritzville and many are current staff members, the Ritzville and Lind school districts incur an exorbitant cost for substitute teachers.

3.     For the 2016-2017 Athletic Cooperative agreement year, the Lind-Ritzville business manager will collect data showing costs in the area of maintenance & miscellaneous expenses. This data will be reviewed for the following cooperative year at which time, schools participating in the Athletic Cooperative may be asked to share some costs.

E.    ASB

1.     Admission prices and season ticket prices shall be the same at all schools in the athletic cooperative.

2.     Each school shall keep the revenue from ASB card fees and individual sport fees.

3.     Ritzville shall receipt in all gates and season ticket sales from all schools in the athletic cooperative.

4.     Ritzville shall pay all expenses. Income or deficit amounts shall be based on a percentage of participants from each school in that sport as stated above. The bill for expenses for all schools in the athletic cooperative shall be made at the end of the fiscal year. 

5.     Concessions: Each district shall determine how their concession stand operates and how the money raised from concessions is distributed for events held at their site.


1.     Ritzville School District shall pay all expenses including meals and lodging for coaches, coaching clinic registrations and any other costs related to the coaching staff.

2.     These shall be totaled and split evenly between the schools in the athletic cooperative at the end of the fiscal year.

III.        Coaches

A.    All coaches shall be under contract with the Ritzville School District.

B.    All coaching contracts are non-continuing contracts. 

C.    Hiring of Coaches

1.     When a coaching vacancy occurs, the Ritzville Business Manager or athletic director shall advertise the opening in all districts participating in the athletic cooperative. District employees, including current coaches, have the first opportunity to apply for an opening. As a district employee, only a letter of interest is required to apply for a coaching position. Being a district employee does not, however, guarantee hiring for coaching vacancies.

2.     After a designated time period, if there is no recommendation for hiring of a school district employee, the position shall be advertised outside the districts, ie. in the local paper and other media as appropriate.

3.     An interview committee that includes the Athletic Director(s) and building Principals or designees shall interview candidates for the position of varsity head coach. At the discretion of the Principals and/or Athletic Director, other individuals may be invited to be part of the interview committee.

4.     An interview committee that includes the Athletic Director(s) and Varsity Head coach shall interview candidates for the position of varsity assistant coach (including Middle school coaches). At the discretion of the Athletic Director, other individuals may be invited to be part of the interview committee.

5.     The interview committee shall recommend candidates for hiring to the Superintendents of Lind, Ritzville and Sprague/Lamont who shall forward it to their respective school boards.

6.     The approval of the Lind & Ritzville school boards is required for hiring all coaches. If the school boards of the other schools in the athletic cooperative do not agree with the hiring of a coach, a meeting of district representatives will be recommended.

IV.        Venues

A.    The Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director shall have the responsibility and discretion to schedule contests and/or practices with input from the athletic directors and administrators of the other schools in the athletic cooperative. Contests and/or practices shall be scheduled, rescheduled and/or moved to make the best use of the facilities of all schools. To be considered shall be weather, size of crowd, field conditions, road conditions, other sporting events taking place, opponents’ travel distance, etc.

B.    High School Contests (may be changed at the discretion of the Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director)

1.     Football: Varsity and JV games shall be played at Ritzville due to the availability of lights.

2.     Volleyball: All matches shall be played in Ritzville.

3.     Basketball: All games shall be played in Ritzville. Sub-Varsity games may be scheduled at the other schools involved in the athletic cooperative.

4.     Wrestling: Matches shall be held at Ritzville.

5.     Track & Field: Home meets shall be held at the Ritzville track.

6.     Tennis: Home matches shall be held at Ritzville.

7.     Golf: Home matches shall be held at the Ritzville Golf course.

8.     Baseball: Home games shall be held at Ritzville.

9.     Softball: Home games shall be held at Ritzville.


C.    Middle School Contests (may be changed at the discretion of the Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director)

1.     Football: Home games shall be played at Lind.

2.     Volleyball: Home games shall be played at Lind.

3.     Basketball: Home games shall be played at Lind.  

4.     Wrestling: Home matches shall be held at Ritzville or Lind.

5.     Track & Field: Home meets shall be held at Ritzville.

6.     Baseball: Home games shall be played at Lind.

7.     Softball: Home games shall be played at Lind.


D.    High School Practices (may be changed at the discretion of the Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director)

1.     Football: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

2.     Volleyball: Practices shall be at Ritzville. The Ritzville grade school gym may also be used for practice.

3.     Basketball: Practices shall be at Ritzville. At the discretion of the Athletic Director and coaches, practices may be held at the other schools involved in the athletic cooperative.

4.     Wrestling: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

5.     Track & Field: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

6.     Tennis: Practices shall be at Ritzville. 

7.     Golf: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

8.     Baseball: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

9.     Softball: Practices shall be at Ritzville.


E.     Middle School Practices (may be changed at the discretion of the Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director)

1.     Football: Practices shall be at Lind.

2.     Volleyball: Practices shall be at Lind.

3.     Basketball: Practices shall be at Lind

4.     Wrestling: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

5.     Track & Field: Practices shall be at Ritzville.

6.     Baseball: Practices shall be at Lind.

7.     Softball: Practices shall be at Lind.


V.            Transportation for Athletics

A.    Student/Athletes from Lind, Ritzville, Sprague and Washtucna shall follow the Athletic Transportation Policy for Games and Practices

B.    Sprague, Lamont and Washtucna shall be responsible for transporting their students to and from practices and games in Lind and Ritzville. In some cases, parents may be required to transport athletes to events and/or practices.

C.    For away events, if the route of travel to the event does not pass by other schools involved in the athletic cooperative, those schools shall be responsible for transporting their student-athletes to Ritzville where they shall be transported the rest of the way by the Lind/Ritzville vehicle with the rest of the team. A Lind/Ritzville vehicle shall pick up student-athletes from other schools involved in the athletic cooperative when it is reasonable for the bus to pass by said school. The Athletic Director and Transportation supervisor(s) shall determine when it is reasonable to travel to an away event via another school involved in the athletic cooperative. Also, when it is reasonable, the student-athletes from other schools involved in the athletic cooperative may travel directly to the contest venue to meet the team.


VI.        Cheerleaders

A.    One advisor shall be in charge of the cheerleaders from the schools involved in the athletic cooperative.

B.    The advisor shall travel to all contests home and away with the cheerleaders.

C.    Should the advisor be absent from a contest, she/he will arrange for a person to accompany and chaperone the cheerleaders. If no substitute is found, the cheerleaders shall not travel to the contest.

D.    The advisor will become stunt-certified and abide by all the rules of the WIAA.

E.     With the approval of the Athletic Director, the cheer advisor shall:

1.     decide on the number of cheerleaders to be selected for fall and winter sports.

2.     design a fair process for cheerleader tryouts.


VII.     Band

A. Band members from all schools involved in the athletic cooperative shall be encouraged to play at all home games.

B. The band directors at all schools shall communicate to coordinate the events in which they will play.


VIII. Evaluation of Coaches

A.    The Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director shall evaluate the high school varsity head coaches.

B.    Head coaches, including JH head coaches, shall evaluate the assistant coaches on their staff.

C.    The Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director and/or the high school varsity head coaches shall evaluate middle school head coaches of the respective sport.

D.    If a coach receives a poor evaluation, the Lind-Ritzville High School Athletic Director shall inform the Principals and Superintendents of all schools involved in the athletic cooperative. The admini-strators shall decide on the plan of action. The plan of action may include, but is not limited to:

a.      Plan for Improvement

b.     Release from coaches contract

IX.        Varsity Letters/Letter Jackets/Awards

A.    The high school varsity head coach shall establish criteria for earning a varsity letter and communicate the criteria to athletes, parents and the athletic director prior to the season beginning.

B.    Athletes who earn a varsity letter in a varsity sport for the first time shall receive a letter.

C.    Each time an athlete earns a varsity letter, they shall receive a pin for that sport.

D.    Certificates shall be awarded to all participants of a sport.

1.     Varsity letter winners shall receive a varsity letter certificate.

2.     All other participants including junior varsity players, managers, videotapers, stats, etc. shall receive a participant certificate.

E.     Parents of senior athletes with the cooperation of the coaches shall coordinate sports awards ceremonies. The awards ceremonies may be held at Ritzville or Lind.

X.            Eligibility

A.    All student/athletes must be eligible as determined by the WIAA.

B.    All student/athletes must be academically eligible as determined by the academic eligibility policy established by Lind-Ritzville High School (for high school athletes) and Lind-Ritzville Middle School (for middle school athletes).

C.    A common eligibility policy shall be used and uniformly applied.

D.    Principals and Athletic Directors from all schools involved in the athletic cooperative shall review the current academic eligibility policy and revise it as needed.

XI.        Athletic Code

A.    A common athletic code shall be used and uniformly applied.

B.    All student-athletes in our athletic cooperative and their parents must sign the Lind-Ritzville-Sprague Athletic Code in order to participate in an interscholastic sport.

XII.     Parent Complaints

A.    When a parent has a complaint about a coach, he/she needs to contact the coach first.

B. If the parent feels the problem has not been resolved, he/she should contact the head coach of that sport or the Lind-Ritzville Athletic Director if the coach in question is a head coach.

C.    If the parent still feels the problem has not been resolved, he/she should contact the principal of the school in which the athlete attends.

D.    The final step would be to contact the superintendent.  

XIII. New Programs

A.    If any of the districts involved in the athletic cooperative wish to start a new program or sport they are to contact the Lind-Ritzville Athletic Director who shall inform the administrators of the other districts with the details of the proposal.

B.    Approval by the Lind & Ritzville school boards is required for starting a new athletic program. If the school boards of the other schools in the athletic cooperative do not agree with starting the new program, they do not have to allow their athletes to participate.



XIV. Insurance

A.    Each District shall maintain insurance coverage for liabilities arising from activities carried out under this agreement.

B.    Said policies shall be maintained at levels no less than the levels of coverage currently maintained by each District.

XV.     Terms of the Agreement

A.    The term of this agreement shall begin August 1, 2016 and end July 31, 2017

B.    This agreement shall be reviewed in the spring of each year to determine if revisions are needed.

C.    By February 1st of each year, a District must notify the other Districts of any proposed changes to this agreement, including the intention to terminate its participation in this agreement. These changes would not take effect until at least the beginning of the following school year.

D.    Disclaimer: If there is mutual agreement among all schools in the Athletic Cooperative, terms and conditions of this agreement can be altered at any time during the agreement year.



Revised 7/13/16

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