Washtucna School District #109
Highly Capable Program
Washtucna School District #109 is committed to providing an educational program that promotes academic excellence by meeting the educational needs of all students. For Highly Capable students, access to accelerated learning and enhanced instruction is access to a basic education. (WAC 392-170-012) For more information about Washtucna School District’s Highly Capable Program (HCP), please refer to School Board Policy and Procedure 2190.
WAC 392-170-035 Definition – Students Who Are Highly Capable
Students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments.
Outstanding abilities are seen within students’ general intellectual aptitudes, specific academic abilities, and/or creative productivities within a specific domain.
Washtucna Schools recognizes that these students are present not only in the general population, but are present within all defined protected groups.
WAC 392-170-036 Definition – Learning Characteristics
Students who are highly capable may possess, but are not limited to, the following learning characteristics:
Capacity to learn with unusual depth of understanding, to retain what has been learned, and to transfer learning to new situations;
Capacity and willingness to deal with increasing levels of abstraction and complexity earlier than their chronological peers;
Creative ability to make unusual connections among ideas and concepts;
Ability to learn quickly in their area(s) of intellectual strength; and
Capacity for intense concentration and/or focus.
The District’s plan will be submitted annually using forms provided by OSPI. (WAC 392-170-020)
Additionally, the District’s plan for students who are highly capable will be reviewed annually and approved, through formal action, by the Board of Directors of Washtucna School District #109. (WAC 392-170-025)
Characteristics of Highly Capable Children
Bright Child vs Gifted Learner
Bright Child |
Gifted Learner |
Knows the answers |
Asks questions |
Is interested |
Is highly curious |
Is attentive |
Is mentally and physically involved |
Answers the questions |
Discusses in detail, elaborates |
Top group |
Beyond the group |
Listens with interest |
Shows strong feelings and opinions |
Learns with ease |
Already knows |
6 – 8 repetitions for mastery |
1 – 2 repetitions for mastery |
Understand ideas |
Constructs abstractions |
Enjoys peers |
Prefers adults |
Grasps the meaning |
Draws inferences |
Is receptive |
Is intense |
Copies accurately |
Creates a new design |
Enjoys school |
Enjoys learning |
Absorbs information |
Manipulates information |
Technician |
Inventor |
Good memorizer |
Good guesser |
Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation |
Thrives on observant |
Is alert |
Is keenly observant |
Is pleased with own learning |
Is highly self-critical |
Public Notice
Highly Capable Program (HCP)
Highly Capable services are available at Washtucna School District at the K – 12 levels. A teacher, other staff members, a parent/guardian, a student, or any community member who has knowledge of the student’s abilities may initiate a referral for Highly Capable services. (WAC 39170-045)
Nominators will use the District’s Referral Form to refer a student to be considered for admission in the Highly Capable Program. Referral forms are available in the Washtucna School District office or can be printed from the school website at www.tucna.wednet.edu.
Program Goals (WAC 392-170-080 and 392-170-030):
To offer a rigorous academic curriculum in the area(s) of need so as to appropriately challenge and motivate students to excel.
To provide staff development through Washtucna Professional Learning Communities when needed. HCP funds or staff development funds will be utilized to direct staff development towards educators of students who are highly capable and general education staff.
“A Highly Capable Learning Plan” will be maintained for HCP students that includes testing results.
Multiple objective criteria shall be used for the identification of Highly Capable students by a Multi-Disciplinary Review (Highly Capable Program) Committee. (WAC 392-170-055) The Highly Capable Program Committee shall consist of the following professionals:
A special teacher. If there is no special teacher available, a classroom teacher shall be appointed
A certificated coordinator/administrator with responsibility for the supervision of the District’s program for Highly Capable and
Additional professionals that the District deems desirable. (WAC 392-170-070)
Parents/guardians will be notified in writing if their student has been referred for the Highly Capable Program. Parental/guardian permission will be obtained before conducting any assessments for eligibility or before providing Highly Capable Program services.
The Referral Process
The District will notify the public annually in multiple ways and appropriate languages of any major identification activity for the Highly Capable Program. (WAC 392-170-042)
Referrals are permitted and accepted based on clear and current data and evidence from a classroom teacher, other staff members, parent/guardian, student, or community member. A Referral Form can be obtained from the District office or off the school website at www.tucna.wednet.edu. (WAC392-170-045)
All forms are compiled by the school’s Highly Capable Program Committee. Students will be assessed by qualified District personnel. (WAC 392-170-055). After testing is complete, the Highly Capable Program Committee reviews all information and makes eligibility decisions. Parents/guardians and/or the referral source will be notified by mail of the results. Confidentiality is maintained during all steps in the process.
Screening, Selection, and Placement
Placement in the Highly Capable Program will be based upon a review of each student’s capability as shown by multiple criteria and multiple assessments. (WAC 392-170-055)
Once a student has been tested, data is compiled and forwarded to a review committee that determines eligibility for highly capable services. Criteria for selection include a combination of:
Academic Achievement
District assessments
* iReady
State assessments
Grades and/or classroom work samples
Other Standardized Tests
Aptitude Tests
Referral Form
Teacher Interview: Renzulli Checklist – teacher survey
The final selection will be based on the decision of the Highly Capable Program Committee.
As specified in WAC 392-170-075, the policies and procedures used in the selection of the most highly capable will not violate federal and state laws; will be based on professional judgment as to which students will benefit the most from inclusion in the District’s program; and on a selection process that is based on data and other evidence.
Exit Process (WAC 392-170-047)
The exit process may be initiated for students who no longer demonstrate a need for highly capable program services. A request may be made by a parent, teacher, or program administrator for highly capable student identification and placement discontinuation. The Highly Capable Program Committee will meet to consider the request. The Highly Capable Program Committee may request additional evidence of student capabilities and/or willingness to participate in the program. If the committee determines that the student no longer qualifies for highly capable services, it may recommend that the student be exited from the program. The parent will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision and of the appeal process.
Process for Appeal
Parents/legal guardians have the right to appeal the Highly Capable Program Committee’s decision. Individuals appealing the decision must submit a completed Appeals Form which can be found on the school’s website at www.tucna.wednet.edu or can be obtained from the school office. This form and supporting evidence must be submitted to the Highly Capable Program Committee within three weeks of the committee’s decision notification.
The Highly Capable Program Committee will review the student’s file, assessment profile data, and additional evidence provided in the request for appeal.
The decision of the Highly Capable Program Committee may include:
Upholding the original decision
Reversing the decision
Placing on hold pending further information
This decision will be made by the committee within 10 school days after receipt of the request for reconsideration. The parent/legal guardian will be notified of the decision in writing. The decision of the committee is final.
Program Design (WAC 392-170-078)
The district will make a variety of appropriate services available to students who participate in the Highly Capable Program. Once services are started, a continuum of services will be provided to identified students in grades K – 12. The district will keep on file a description of the educational programs provided for identified students and will review services at the beginning of each school year for each student to ensure that the services are appropriate. The Washtucna School District will offer highly capable students the following services:
Accelerated learning opportunities
Differentiated instruction
Academic grouping arrangements that provide intellectual and peer group interactions
Career exploration-Job shadow experiences
Enrichment activities
Extended learning opportunities
Review and Evaluation
The District’s Highly Capable Plan will be reviewed and evaluated annually paying attention to how the Highly Capable Plan’s goals and student achievement outcomes will be measured. (WAC 392-170-030) Per WAC 392-170-087, the review will also include:
Evaluating the effectiveness of the process used to identify HCP students
Assessment data and other indicators to determine the degree to which the district is meeting the academic needs of identified students
HCP expenditures
Identified students will be assigned the appropriate CEDARS Gifted value(s) in the District’s student information system for the end-of-year reporting activities. The superintendent or his/her designee will provide an end-of-year report to the Office of Superintendent Instruction (OSPI) which includes:
Number of students served by grade level K – 12
Student demographic information
Data to determine if highly capable students met the goals set and if the programs provided met the academic needs of these students
Number and content of professional development activities provided for the staff
Program evaluation data, and if needed, program changes that will be made based upon this information
Final fiscal report that reports on activities and staff funded by this program
Washtucna School District #109
Highly Capable Program
DIRECTIONS: Please complete both the front and back of this form and return to the main school office by ______________________________________.
Student Information |
Student Name: |
Current Grade Level: |
Teacher: (if applicable) |
Person Completing this Referral |
Name: |
Relation to Student: Parent Teacher Other (Explain): |
Parent Permission (only complete if you are the parent): I give my permission for testing and to receive services in the Highly Capable Program if criteria are met. |
Parent Signature: |
Date |
Student Birthdate: |
Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip): Phone Number: |
Please see the next page and complete also.
Please respond to the following statements by marking the number that best represents the student. Add any examples or comments in the third column. Additional information regarding a student’s exceptional ability, achievement and/or creativity may be submitted with this application.
Low High |
Comments |
Constantly asks questions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Offers unusual responses or connections |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Likes to try new things |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Has a keen sense of humor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Creates original ideas and products |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Has many interests, hobbies, and collections |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Is bored with routine tasks |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Learns quickly and easily |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Uses advanced vocabulary |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Enjoys complex tasks |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Intense, gets totally into tasks or thoughts |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Relates easily to adults and older peers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Sense of fairness |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Uses unusual abstract thinking |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Additional Comments:
If you have any questions about completing this form or the testing process, you may contact the Highly Capable Committee at (509) 646-3211. A copy of the district’s Highly Capable Plan is available for your review on the school website www.tucna.wednet.edu and in the school office.
Washtucna School District #109
Highly Capable Program
Dear Parent/Guardian of ________________________________,
Your child has been referred to possibly receive services in our Highly Capable Program. The services at Washtucna School District include but are not limited to:
Accelerated learning opportunities
Differentiated instruction
Academic grouping arrangements that provide intellectual and peer group interactions
Career exploration-Job shadow experiences
Enrichment activities
Extended learning opportunities
Selection by the HCP Committee will be based on multiple criteria which may include:
Permission and information form from parent/guardian
Teacher checklist/questionnaire or interview
Achievement indicated by grades and/or classroom work samples
Current information from ability tests
Information from achievement tests
Please complete the attached Referral Form, including dated signature, and return it to the school office to begin the referral process. The form will be forwarded to the Highly Capable Program Committee. If testing is required, parent/guardian permission will be requested. We will inform you of the test dates and results.
The Highly Capable Program Committee will meet and will notify parents/guardians of decisions within 10 school days. Any questions regarding the referral process or test results should be directed to the Highly Capable Program Committee at the school. A copy of the district’s Highly Capable Plan is available for your review on the school website www.tucna.wednet.edu and in the school office.
Washtucna School District #109
Highly Capable Program
Dear Parent/Guardian of _______________________,
Your child has been selected to receive services in our Highly Capable Program at this time. Information considered by the selection committee included:
Permission and information form from parent/guardian
Teacher checklist/questionnaire or interview
Achievement indicated by grades and/or classroom work samples
Current information from ability tests
Information from achievement tests
We will be offering the following services to maximize your student’s learning:
Accelerated learning opportunities
Differentiated instruction
Academic grouping arrangements that provide intellectual and peer group interactions
Career exploration-Job shadow experiences
Enrichment activities
Extended learning opportunities
If you have any questions or wish to speak to someone regarding your child’s selection for the Highly Capable Program, you may contact the Highly Capable Program Committee at 509-646-3211. A copy of the district’s Highly Capable Plan is available for your review on the school website www.tucna.wednet.edu and in the school office.
Thank you for your interest in the Washtucna School District Highly Capable Program.
Washtucna School District #109
Highly Capable Program
Dear Parent/Guardian of _______________________,
Your child was referred for services in the Highly Capable Program. The Washtucna School District’s High Capable Program Committee met to review the information below and did not recommend Highly Capable Program services for your child at this time. The Highly Capable Program Committee believes that your child will continue to thrive without Highly Capable Program services. Information considered by the selection committee included:
Permission and information form from parent/guardian
Teacher checklist/questionnaire or interview
Achievement indicated by grades and/or classroom work samples
Current information from ability tests
Information from achievement tests
If you wish to appeal the decision, you will need to complete the Appeals Form and return it to the main school office by 3:30 pm on March 1. This form can be obtained from the school website at www.tucna.wednet.edu or can be picked up at the main school office.
Washtucna School District #109
Highly Capable Program
Student Information |
Student name: |
Current Grade Level: |
Teacher: (if applicable) |
Person Completing this Appeal |
Name: |
Please give reasons for your appeal to support reconsideration and provide additional evidence of a need for Highly Capable Program services. Use an additional page if necessary.
If you have any questions about completing this form or the testing process, you may contact the Highly Capable Program Committee at (509) 646-3211. A copy of the district’s Highly Capable Plan is available for your review on the school website www.tucna.wednet.edu and in the school office.